• Model Industry Solutions

    Developed for the requirements of your industry, comprehensively tested and economically optimised.

  • Food
  • Household
  • Cosmetics & Hygiene
  • Consumer Goods
  • Automotive
  • Chemicals
  • Pharma
  • Electronics
  • Logistics & Transport
  • Beverages
  • Manufactured Goods
  • Furniture
  • Model Services

    As a packaging service provider, we offer a full range of services from paper production to recycling. We handle design, testing, production, assembly, storage, delivery, and pickup.

  • Consulting
  • Design
  • Logistics
  • Recover
  • Inspiration
  • Model Young Package
  • Choose your country and language

    Model Young Package 2024 Registration

    Here you can submit your prototype in digital form by 31 December 2024.

    Registration Form

    *fields with a star are obligatory

    About you

    Are you competing as an individual or as a team? *

    This e-mail is already registered.

    Category *

    Only one category can be chosen.

    1/ Unlimited – Adult students and designers of all ages - both groups will be competing together. If you are a student, please select the second option and state the university or college where you are currently studying. 

    2/ High schools – Students of secondary and tertiary schools aged 15 to 21.

    Please select the year you were born. This will be used to verify your submitted category.

    Your prototype


    Please attach a PDF file containing up to 5 photos and a structural vector blueprint. Your file will be accessible only by the organizer. If you need help creating the PDF file, feel free to download a blank template in PDF or DOCX.

    PDF file with your work details *

    Rules *
    Privacy policy *

    Before you register, please read the full rules

    Read about the competition rules, timetable, prizes and legal information.

    703 KB