Vítězné koncepty
Původně se termín TAKE AWAY vztahoval k balení jídla z rychlého občerstvení. Dnes to však není jen o rychlém životním stylu a nezdravém jídle. Každý výrobce nebo prodejce, který chce být v obraze, nabízí také jídlo s sebou. Téměř každá restaurace, kavárna nebo obchod poskytuje jídlo s sebou. Otázka letošního ročníku soutěže zní: Jak to pěkně zabalit, originálně a funkčně zároveň?
Navržené obaly by měly zákazníkovi usnadnit život. Koneckonců je pravda, že obal je součástí dojmu, který obvykle získáváme z produktu – přesně podle hesel oblečení vytváří člověka a balíček prodává. Hledáme takové balíčky "TAKE AWAY", které budou originální a funkční zároveň. Takové balení, které může pomoci přenášet věci z obchodu do domu - pěkný obal na oblečení, který lze použít například i jako balicí papír, důmyslný balíček šesti lahví piva nebo chytrý obal na křehkou vázu.
Studenti vysokých škol a mladí designéři do 30 let
Koncepty vysokoškolských studentů a projektantů do 30 let.
Jezte své jídlo
Michal Marko, Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín (CZE)
The bowl created from bio-degradable material not only carries food but also acts as a container for seed planting. Plant seeds are enclosed under a label on the lid of the bowl and once the bowl has been used for food, it can be filled with soil and the seeds planted inside. After germination, the bowl, together with the seedlings can be planted in the ground outside. The concept for using a bowl, something which is usually used only for the transfer of food, is brought further – towards plant growing. The user doesn’t take just food, but also the future. He is motivated to continue the story. Where other packages end and harm, this one begins and hopefully, does good.
Petra Vlčková, Czech technical university in Prague (CZE)
Carefully constructed material that is hygienic, resistant and its firmness is adapted to the purpose of a vessel for the safe picking up of syringes. The graphic design of the vessel is specifically for people who work with addicts and is highly-developed for use. The designer wasn’t afraid of this unpopular task, she has analysed the situation and subsequently solved it.
Cestovní pouzdro PickPocket
Ondřej Elfmark, Jakub Lekeš (CZE)
The story of this package is bound up with peculiar poetics. It begins when you buy some food and it goes on until the moment when you make your own personal dining experience out of the package at home, like being in a garden or making a connection with somebody close. The food becomes a ritual, a highly aesthetic experience similar to a tea ceremony.
Barbora Moravová, Adrian Jansa, University of Jan Evangelista in Ústí nad Labem (CZE)
This package reacts to common visuals and bistro/fast food packaging. It is an elegant solution with stylish graphic processing. The compact package can turn into large bowl in a moment. This bowl is suitable for outside consumption. Overall enjoyment is emphasized by the witty wordplay. The makeshift bowl is easily closed with a toothpick, which can be used after finishing your meal.
Odnést ryby
Zuzana Jirkalová, Czech Technical University in Prague (CZE)
A simple and minimalist package which respects the routine function of transporting aquarium fish, it also deals with the inconvenience and complexity of their transfer. The transport of fish becomes more convenient and handy thanks to the fixation of a plastic bag via a knot within a three-layer cardboard package. The package is simple, easily reproducible and the fish and their owners are happy.
Šimon Kern, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (CZE)
The problem of take away packages is that they are redundant usually after use. This paper „carrier“ made from smooth and firm cardboard allows three cups to be carried in one hand and then it turns into simple and amusing Frisbee. The slots used for grasping and positioning the cups are also the main aerodynamic elements necessary for the Frisbee to fly.
Střední školy
Koncepty studentů středních a vysokých škol od 15 let.
Pata! Odneste jednu porci krmiva pro psy a vody
Anna Navrátilová, Higher Vocational School Hellichova in Prague (CZE)
A travel package for a single portion of dog food and water = the essence of TAKE AWAY. It deals with the situation of when a dog accompanies his owner out of the home and it is necessary to take away dog food too. The packaging is processed at a professional level, very compelling and graphically balanced. The package is portable, storable and reusable.
Vezměte to hned z Asie
Andrea Bimková, High school of Decorative Arts in Hodonín (CZE)
Simple incisions in a standard plastic bowl from a Chinese bistro surprisingly create a pagoda shape that symbolizes Asian culture.
Kateřina Hrubá, Higher Vocational School of Packaging Technique in Štětí (CZE)
If you want to keep your shoes in shape, a classic shoe rack is not the perfect choice. The Shoe Cabinet package elevates an ordinary shoe box on a high-class bracket, which provides a safe place for luxurious pieces of footwear thanks to its two-part layout. It is also possible to build the shoe rack from unfolded boxes or it can be used for storing other things, if you suspend the boxes. A regular box becomes something more, not only usable, but also practical and pleasing.