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    Comics & packaging for sweets

    Model Young Package 2010

    Winning Concepts

    The 15th year of Young Package competition was in the spirit of comics and packaging for sweets. The main prize went to Canadian Anne-Marie Brouillette. The winner of the high-school category was Viktorie Prokopová.

    Students and young designers: Design of a package for sweets

    Concepts by university students and designers of up to 30 years of age.

    High schools: Design of a package for sweets

    Concepts by students of secondary and tertiary schools from 15 years of age.

    Different view category: Comics

    Within this category, all works were judged together: high school and university students, and young designers up to 30 years of age.

    The competition jury judged mainly imaginativeness, inventiveness, creativity, originality of solution, sense of humour, and good presentation quality – both artistic and verbal.

    That's not all

    Winners' Archive

    Have you seen the other great concepts from MYP's history?

    Model Young Package