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    As a packaging service provider, we offer a full range of services from paper production to recycling. We handle design, testing, production, assembly, storage, delivery, and pickup.

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    Sustainable packaging with "wow effect"

    With the packaging solution for the fragrance H24, Model and Gmund Paper succeeded in creating a unique innovation in the premium sector.

    A special packaging for a special fragrance

    Model Kramp Hanau and Gmund Paper had the ambition to create a luxury packaging for the fragrance H24, that perfectly combines the interplay of sustainability and premium quality.

    Michael Krapp (Head of Sales at Model Kramp Hanau) and Florian Kohler (Managing Director Gmund Paper) reveal the "extra" about the packaging.

    Pioneering spirit unites

    The packaging material used for the first time was Heidi Used White paper from Gmund Paper which was specially developed for the fragrance. 

    The innovation company based at the Tegernsee in Bavaria has been producing quality paper for generations and is a true pioneer in the field of sustainable paper innovations.

    Quality paper meets sustainability

    Managing Director Florian Kohler explains: "With Heidi Used White, we have created a paper that is unique in its properties. The paper is made from 100% recycled materials and at the same time is extremely pale and aesthetic. Such a combination is very special."

    Highly sophisticated printing techniques

    While Gmund Paper supplied the high-quality material for the packaging, Model Kramp Hanau demonstrated its expertise in printing and producing the luxury packaging.

    "Printing on recycled paper is extremely demanding and requires the highest precision and expertise," explains Michael Krapp. "One characteristic of recycled material is extreme roughness. Our challenge as a model is to ensure that the colors are rich and smooth despite the special nature of the paper."

    Sustainability and premium quality

    High-quality inks were used for the printing. For example, sustainable varnish combinations were used to create the luminous green of the letters. The result is packaging that combines sustainability and luxury quality.

    Setting new standards

    The successful realization of this challenging project is the result of the pioneering spirit and close cooperation between Model and Gmund Paper. Florian Kohler describes the cooperation between the two companies: "We develop new packaging solutions together with joy and conviction - and in doing so set new limits of what is technically feasible." Michael Krapp adds, "We look forward to continuing to develop new innovations together with Gmund Paper in the future."


    We look forward to creating inspiring packaging with you. Will your packaging be our next sustainability pioneer?

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