Zwycięskie koncepcje
Tematem konkursu jest Unboxing Experience. Zapakuj dowolny ze swoich ulubionych produktów w taki sposób, aby każdy chciał podzielić się nim na Instagramie!
Wszyscy uwielbiamy rozpakowywanie prezentów! Filmy z rozpakowywania stały się wielkim hitem na Youtube w ostatnich latach. Jednak właściwe opakowanie poprzedza wyrafinowany projekt opakowania.
Każde opakowanie musi przejść długą drogę od producenta, przez e-sklep i usługi dostawy do rąk klienta. Podczas całej podróży opakowanie musi znacznie chronić produkt na wielki finał - rozpakowanie. Czekamy na nasze pakiety, jesteśmy pełni oczekiwań. Moment rozpakowania jest największym wyzwaniem dla projektantów. Jak klient może cieszyć się bardziej, jak możemy go zaskoczyć, przynieść coś ekstra? Jak sprawić, by ta krótka chwila była naprawdę wyjątkowa, a opakowanie nadal działa idealnie?
Studenci uniwersytetów i młodzi projektanci w każdym wieku
Koncepcje studentów i projektantów w każdym wieku.
Maciej Jander (POL)
At first glance, it is a classic box. It was by designed Maciej Jander from Poland, as a package for 3 cosmetic products. The main concept of the project is to fill the entire capacity of the box. For each cosmetic product, he prepared a box of atypical crystalline shape, whose colour corresponds to the smell of the cosmetic product. All 3 shapes are then assembled into a simple block. The packaging is superbly engineered, and so perfectly and cleanly processed that it has become this year’s winning work.
Magdalena Cieslak and Jaroslaw Luczak (POL)
Magdalena Cieslak and Jaroslaw Luczak from Poland have designed packaging for small objects with innovative closing. These are card-sized boxes that have a mechanism on their backs, all made of paper, which allows easy opening, removing and closing. The authors present the packaging on three types of screws, each for a different type of closing. It is necessary to mention that the boxes are reusable, so the authors also thought about the environment.
Sen Kopciuszka
Denisa Novobilská (CZE)
Everyone likes receiving gifts, surprises and nice boxes that make us open them. The story of the “Cinderella”, who opened her three nuts and received unexpected gifts, inspired Denisa Novobilská from UTB in Zlín. She created a box decorated with fairy tale motifs. The package is made of paper which represents Cinderella’s modesty, but it also contains a surprise. The box is made of two pieces, the upper part serves as a lid, the lower part is intended for content insertion. Thanks to the stiffness of the paper, the author achieved the necessary effect of the moment of surprise.
Szkoły ponadgimnazja
Koncepcje uczniów szkół średnich i wyższych od 15 roku życia.
Radość łzawienia
Ondřej Fiedler (CZE)
Ondřej Fiedler from Private Grammar school AD FONTES, o.p.s. has always enjoyed tearing off paper strips when opening biscuits, and these strips represent a synonym to unboxing experience for him. He created a cylindrical wrapper for round biscuits (e. g. Disco) in such a way that the joy of tearing lasts many times longer. The “tear strip” element is used spirally throughout almost the entire width of the packaging. The user can enjoy the delightful feeling of unwrapping because the package needs to be torn off a little with every biscuit.
Skrzynka rezonansowa na drewniane kije
Jaroslava Straková (CZE)
Jaroslava Straková from the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Jihlava created a package for wooden sticks, familiar to everyone from music lessons in school. Instead of merely closing them in a box that is thrown away, she invented a package that can be used as a musical instrument together with the wooden sticks. She used corrugated cardboard and made it into simple minimalistic blocks into which we can hide the sticks, but at the same time, we can create new sounds using the sides of the box. The sound is created when we slide the sticks on the sides of the packaging. The design perfectly embodies this year’s contest topic.
Opakowanie zabawki samochodowej
Pavlína Kubínová (CZE)
Everyone likes receiving gifts, surprises and nice boxes that make us open them. The story of the “Cinderella”, who opened her three nuts and received unexpected gifts, inspired Denisa Novobilská from UTB in Zlín. She created a box decorated with fairy tale motifs. The package is made of paper which represents Cinderella’s modesty, but it also contains a surprise. The box is made of two pieces, the upper part serves as a lid, the lower part is intended for content insertion. Thanks to the stiffness of the paper, the author achieved the necessary effect of the moment of surprise.